Contributed by: Jane Sandwood

How many of us have noticed that when we have a clean and tidy home, we feel a lot better and more content about ourselves? This could be due to the fact that there are strong psychological aspects behind keeping our homes clean. By living in a cleaner environment and understanding our emotional health, we feel more positive, both in mind and body. Whether you have piles of clutter lying around you or just haven’t bothered to refresh your space in a while, now could be time to free your mind and home of all the clinging mess.

A mess can use up mental space
No matter how much you put things to the back of your mind, your subconscious mind is still always working towards processing your thoughts. Consequently, instead of focusing your brain on smaller thoughts like re-organizing your kitchen cupboards, try freeing up that space so you can concentrate on more important things. Cleaning and clearing the environment around you will also help to clear your thoughts to make room for positive ones.

A mess puts on extra burdens
If you keep putting off the household chores that need to be done, they will always be there, both in the physical world and in your mind. The thought that, ‘This is such a mess, I need to get it done,’ plays on the mind and can hold you back from actually doing it. As a consequence, it causes an unnecessary burden as a reminder of not getting it done and the only way to combat this, is do simply, do it.

Clean your mess
Instead of harboring all these thoughts about your cleaning chores and what you haven’t done, try taking on each job, one at a time. Without sifting through the mess, you won’t be able to see any future possibilities as these will always be blocking your vision. If you feel you can’t cope with the cleaning on your own, don’t be afraid to ask for help as there are plenty of companies that can do your deep cleaning for you.

Once you’ve freed up that mess, you’ll be able to free up that part of your mind that has been burdened by these blockages. Who knows, you might even make some extra cash out of throwing some of your clutter away.