
Mental Health Connecticut (MHC) is committed to supporting our communities statewide through educational programs and workplace wellness. We believe education is critical to changing the way in which mental health is perceived and how individuals take action for themselves and loved ones.

We leverage our long-standing expertise of creating environments that support long-term health and wellness for business leaders and their teams, community groups, schools, and others looking to make mental wellness a priority.


The MHC Collaborative

According to Mental Health America, “Employers who value mental health retain employees, have lower absenteeism, and enjoy lower health care costs.”

Programs and benefits are fundamental. The next chapter of workplace wellness is activating all those great offerings within a mentally fit, thriving work environment for all.

[button / call out / graphic?]: Register Now for an Info Session on the MHC Collaborative! January 19th, 12:30pm – 1:15pm

Through the MHC Collaborative, business leaders are reaping the rewards of creating a psychologically, culturally safe environment. Evidence shows that embracing mental wellness in the workplace prevents stress and fatigue, improves employee engagement, lowers health care costs, and increases access to services.

MHC is platinum-level Bell Seal certified in Workplace Mental Health from Mental Health America. We partner with small to midsized companies in all industries to assess the current workplace environment and identify areas of opportunity where mental wellness can become an integral part of the organization’s culture and climate.

To learn more about MHC’s offerings, contact

Custom Workshops

Creating environments that support long-term health and wellness is in our mission, and it is a daily practice at MHC with our direct service staff of nearly 200. MHC’s training team with a combined 60+ years experience deploy evidence-based and best practices to support our internal teams, as well as other workplace environments through unique, custom-created workshops.

MHC has converted several training curriculums and best practices used in the mental health arena for us in any workplace environment. Workshops are offered as 60-minute, 90-minute, and 3 hours. Virtual and in-person options are available, and content is tailored to your team’s audience (executive, management, departments, or all staff). Topics include:

  • Stress Management in the Workplace
  • Mental Health 101
  • Cultural Humility / DEI in the Workplace
  • The Art of Effective Communication
  • Developing A Self-Care Plan
  • Recognizing and Mitigating Burnout


For a full list of workshop options and pricing, contact

Licensed Trainings

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA):Mental Health First Aid is an 8-hour training to teach participants how to support someone who is experiencing a mental health challenge or crisis. “First Aiders” do not take on the role of professionals, nor do they diagnose or provide any counseling or therapy. Instead, the program offers concrete tools and answers key questions, like “what do I do?” and “where can someone find help?”

The evidence behind the program demonstrates that it helps trainees identify, understand and respond to signs of mental health conditions and substance use disorders. Participants leave the training certified in MHFA and ready to deploy a 5-step action plan to help family members, friends, co-workers, and anyone they encounter who needs help or access to resources.

Classes are available for adults only (18 years of age or older) in-person or virtual (no hybrid). Trainings range from 10-25 individuals per class.

For more information, contact

Insights Discovery

Insights is a personal and professional development tool designed to improve team engagement and effectiveness. Used widely at MHC among management and all teams, MHC also has two staff trained as Insights instructors to support other workplace environments.

A psychometric tool based on the psychology of Carl Jung, Insights Discovery is built to help people understand themselves, understand others, and make the most of the relationships that affect them in the workplace. Read more about the Insights Discovery model here.

For more information on how you can work with MHC to bring Insights into your workplace, contact