Artwork from Mental Health Connecticut’s (MHC) Mending Art is on exhibit in the storefront of 325 Main Street in Danbury for The In VIEW Project until November 17, 2021. This exhibit spotlights collaborative works of art created by Mending Art Artists Statewide who are working on wellbeing by connecting with oneself and community through art. The In VIEW Project, started by Mark Nolan and Brian Walters, offers opportunities for emerging artists to exhibit in Danbury’s downtown storefronts for the community to see!

Mending Art is one of MHCs Wellness Programs that helps our program participants learn new skills, engage in the community, and find and utilize creative outlets of expression. Numerous studies and research prove how art is linked to wellness and recovery. For many living with a mental health condition, Mending Art has been a stepping stone towards rejoining the workforce, going back to school, reconnecting with family and friends, and becoming active in the community.


The In VIEW Project was founded to provide local artists an opportunity to show their work at no cost in high foot traffic areas In Downtown Danbury. We feel that the addition of art in vacant storefronts adds vibrancy to the community as well. The aim is to develop a symbiotic relationship between the arts, businesses and residents of the community we serve.”Brian Walters
“An expression of art, of and by all forms, enhances – the artist abilities to share their work, – the community by offering alternative cultural expressions and/or – for those that have the pleasure to view the art the visual experience. Cultural experiences as – The In VIEW Project – helps to promote art and a communities cultural experiences and The Nolan Families are happy to be part of that.”Mark Nolan

MHC would like to express our gratitude to Mark and Nolan Enterprises for their generosity for letting us use the space and thank you to Mark Nolan and Brian Walters as the Co Founders of The In VIEW Project. Be sure to stop by the storefront of 325 Main Street in Danbury to check out The In VIEW Project until November 17, 2021 to show your support and to learn more about this project.

For more information about MHC Mending Art, please visit or contact Amy Smith at: 860-7850122,

Learn more about The In VIEW Project here. If you are an artist, have a venue downtown to be considered or would like to support The In VIEW Project please contact