Our team at MHC is about support and encouragement, in everything we do. That means being there for each other just as much as we’re there for the individuals within our community. Made up of strong, humble, and persevering group members, the team at MHC will tell you, “this is just what we do.”

Traditionally, Mental Health Connecticut has mailed a formal Annual Report to share the highlights of our fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). This year, everything is different, so we did things a little differently. On behalf of our team, we invite you to view our video titled, “I Love What I Do” a part of our 2020 Digital Year in Review. Learn more about our team and what motivates us to support whole health for the Connecticut community.



Click here to read a letter from our President & CEO, Luis B. Perez and Board Chair, Kim S. Pita for more details about our Year in Review.

Your support is an investment in your friends and neighbors in Connecticut. We hope that you will join us in making a year-end investment for the long-term health and wellness of our community by donating to MHC today.

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