Launched in 2022, we have more stories to share. Recognizing the significance, in 2024 we are dedicated to reopening the conversation on mental health and stigma, because we believe that the journey to mental well-being should never have to be faced alone.

Each year for the Let’s Face It campaign for Mental Health Awareness Month, we embark on a mission to spotlight Connecticut residents, each with a unique story, to shed light on the impact of stigma and how they navigated their path towards healing and growth.

Why focus on stigma? Because it’s pervasive, taking on various forms, and we firmly believe that its power diminishes when faced head-on. By sharing these compelling stories, our aim is to spark more conversations. We want to foster a greater understanding of the individuality inherent in each person’s mental wellness journey. Through these conversations, we hope to contribute to creating a safer and kinder Connecticut.

LFI 2024

LFI 2024
Meet Ben Dubow Throwback Thursday Facing It Friday Shout Out Saturday Daily Practices Monday Motivation with Angela Silva Mendes Stokes Counseling Meet Floyd Green Connecticut Valley Hospital Lighting Up CT Green Self-Reflection Stamford Health James Crocker CT Collaborative to End Loneliness Meet Majesty Reyes Bell Seal Facing It Together Jeff Bravin Navigating the Path to Wellness Hobbies as self-care Facing it With ConnectiCare Marvin Pittman Advocating for Mental Health in Connecticut Bronze Sponsors What Does Self-Care Mean to You? Elise Cusimano Facing Life's Challenges Shavana Clarke Celebrating Our Founder, Clifford Beers Lockton DATTCO Liberty Bank Wells Fargo A Heartfelt Thank You and a Message of Hope

Facing It Friday