Luis B. Pérez, LCSW
President & CEO

Luis B. Pérez, LCSW is the President and CEO of Mental Health Connecticut. His broad background includes age-specific clinical and cultural competencies for working with child, adolescent, and adult populations and their families. With leadership positions both in the private and public sectors, Luis has a proven track record in behavioral health outcomes-based management, strategic planning, network development, public policy, and fundraising.

Since joining MHC in 2013, Luis has led a transformation of MHC that has included an investment in reliable systems and structures that have allowed the organization to deepen its impact, improve outcomes, and support innovation by utilizing data and informed systems to guide policy and enhance program development.

Luis is the Immediate Past Board Chair for the CT Community Nonprofit Alliance (The Alliance), serves as a board member and corporator for the American School for the Deaf, and is a part of The New England Advisory Team (NEAT), comprised of key stakeholders from across the region to help identify priority need areas and guide the training of The New England Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC). Recently he joined the Steering Committee of the newly formed CT Collaborative to End Loneliness, and the Executive Committee of the CT Health Council.

Luis has served on over 30 boards, task forces, and committees over his career. He also recently served on the board of Mental Health America (MHA) and continues to serve on the Affiliate Relations Committee.

76 Batterson Park Rd, Suite 303, Farmington, CT 06032
860-529-1970 /

“Peace cannot be kept by force;
it can only be achieved by understanding.”

—Albert Einstein

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