Jennifer Hunter-Smith
Senior Director of Residential Services

Jennifer is a seasoned professional with a Bachelor of Science degree from Post University and a wealth of certifications, including Certified Co-Occurring Disorders Professional, Certified Addiction Counselor, and Human Services Board Certified Practitioner. Since joining Mental Health Connecticut (MHC) in 1996, Jennifer has played integral roles in various capacities, starting as a job coach in the work services program before progressing to positions such as Program Coordinator, Assistant Director, and Director of Residential Services in both Waterbury and Torrington. Currently serving as Senior Director of Residential Services, Jennifer adeptly oversees residential programs while actively contributing to organizational improvement efforts. Her leadership extends beyond her immediate responsibilities, as she co-chairs the Best Practices Committee, serves on the PAIMI Advisory Council (PAC) as a mental health professional, and has been involved in the Regional Mental Health Board and Catchment Area Councils in Waterbury and Torrington. Known for her ability to unite teams and implement effective strategies, Jennifer emphasizes values such as safety, respect, support, accountability, and trust in all her collaborative endeavors, fostering positive outcomes for both participants and programs. Her enduring relationships with funders reflect her dedication to program development and sustainability.

76 Batterson Park Rd, Suite 303
Farmington, CT 06032
860-969-3437 /

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

–Wayne Dyer

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