Contributed by: Jackie Davis, MHC StoryKeeper

In January 2020, I was part of the team that created and launched the MHC StoryKeepers campaign. If you aren’t familiar with the term, a StoryKeeper is an individual who has pledged to Be There, Listen, and Protect the stories they are told. Everyone has a story to tell and by becoming a StoryKeeper, you are creating a safe space in your community for people to be seen and heard, without judgement. The concept is simple, but the practice takes just that – practice.

Each month, this network of individuals receives an email from our team with tips, tools, techniques, and resources to fine tune their StoryKeeper skills. For this #StoryKeeperSunday I’d like to share information from one of the first emails to our network. Like what you see? Join the network to receive future monthly updates and help us to expand safe spaces across Connecticut at

What is Active Listening?

Active Listening is making the conscious effort to pay attention to not only the words that are being said but, more importantly, the complete message of what is being communicated.

According to, there are 5 steps to being an Active Listener:

    1) Pay attention
    2) Use body language to show that you are listening
    3) Play back what you are hearing
    4) Defer judgement
    5) Respond appropriately

Enjoying the resources provided during #31DaysofWellness? Consider making a donation to MHC at
